Our Services

Portfolio Analysis

Portfolio analysis is the patent analysis of any company based on any motivation like patent strength, patent valuation for merger & acquisition. We perform portfolio based on various factors like Claim strength, technology evolution, patent age, remaining life, Family life, Family count & jurisdiction spread, patent citations, current licensing and few more

  • Preparation of taxonomy
  • Extraction of dataset based on keywords ,classes , Assignee/ Inventor
  • Noise removal
  • First level analysis based on title, abstract and claims followed by bucketing
  • Preparation of charts (demographic) based on analysed dataset. (Optional)

About Us

Rucapillan IP provides seamless services across Intellectual Property domain.

We help our client to make the best IP-related business decisions by enabling them with complete insights across their to intellectual property.



Rucapillan Legal Services Pvt. Ltd
Level 2, KLJ Tower North, B5 District Centre
Netaji Subhash Place, Wazirpur,
New Delhi-110034, India
Direct line +91-11-66481083
Mobile +91 8860366085, 9910906085

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